#QiDance #LongHair #LifeStyle #travel #fashion #BellyDance #Dance #QiGong #nature . QiDance is a style of dance I created merging Qi Gong and Belly Dance. Join me at angemaya.com subscription membership.
#FlyAirplane, Go #Boating, and #Hiking and #SunGazing are favorite relaxation methods and exercises of Body, Mind, and Spirit. It is beyond the term of #modeling or #acting any more. #Relaxation #Exercise. #Aviation #Pilot #Lifestyle #Fly #Plane #Airplane #PrivateJet #Jet #Areophotogrgohy #Sky #Helicopter #BodyMindSpirit #Hiking #SunGazing #Beach #Ocean #BeInNature #Beauty #Figure #Feshion #LifeStyle #Healthy. Photos, HDVideos, #Panorama Videos will be available on Angemaya.com

 www.angemaya.com : Entertainment WebSeries (Tons of unreleased Ange Maya's photos & videos of Event, Travel, Dance, Fly, Beauty Tips, Personal journey and Growth). Coming soon!
* www.agelessmovie.com : Empowerment Documentaries & WebSeries #AgelessMovie (Holistic Healing, Consciousness Evolution,  #Ageless, Cosmos, Science, Technology, Investment, interviews...). Coming soon!
* www.ConsciousnessMovie.com : #ConsciousnessEvolution Sci-Fi Feature Film #ConsciousnessMovie
* www.ChinaSpyMovie.com : sci-fi action feature film
* www.GoddessHerb.com : #GoddessHerb
* www.Facebook.com/AngeMayaWorld : FanPage (Films & Beauty & Holistic Wellness & Consciousness Evolution)
www.twitter.com/angemaya www.pinterest.com/angemaya www.google.com/+AngeMayacom www.instagram.com/angemayacom www.youtube.com/angemaya www.angemaya.blogspot.com  www.angemaya.tumblr.com
www.facebook.com/AletaVampireMistress  www.facebook.com/NuclearGirlFilm  www.facebook.com/SuperCloneFilm  www.facebook.com/AgelessMovie  www.Facebook.com/ConsciousnessMovie

#AletaVampireMistress : Walmart / Amazon / BestBuy/ WorldWide Disctribution
*Walmart: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Aleta-Vampire-Mistress-DVD/55372607
*Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Aleta-Vampire-Mistress-Ange-Maya/dp/B010MOY71Q
*Amazon Japan:  http://amzn.asia/3EXrjbu ; *Amazon UK:  http://amzn.eu/iD8m5Nh


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