#Dandelion Root Tea Kills 95% #Cancer #Cells in 48 Hours. 72 years old #TerminalCancer Patient freed from Cancer in 4 months after drunk the #tea.
*Researchers at the University of Windsor in Canada proved that a potent form of #DandelionRootExtract killed #leukemia, #melanoma, and #pancreaticCancer cells. Tested on 30 End-Stage Cancer Patients, they are confident in dandelion’s #antiCancer potential. In otherwise untreatable pancreatic cancer (which is said to have close to a 100% mortality rate), dandelion root extract was found to induce programmed cell death, also known as apoptosis, in pancreatic cancer cells. It also killed leukemia and melanoma cancer cells in lab mice. Dandelion root extract similarly induced autophagy, a process by which the body maintains homeostasis through the proper elimination of damaged or malignant cells.
* John DiCarlo, 72, says dandelion tea saved his life, after other medical treatments for his leukemia failed. The cancer clinic suggested he try the tea. Four months later, he returned to the clinic in remission. He has been cancer free for three years. (CBC News)
* The University of Maryland Medical Center also acknowledges dandelion’s immune-boosting capacity. The Center noted that the flower in particular possesses strong antioxidant properties, which is helpful in averting cancer.
* Dandelion root extract suppressed #gastricCancer cells proliferation and migration through targeting lncRNA-CCAT1[sciencedirect.com]
* Recent work from our lab, we examined the cancer cell-killing effectiveness of an aqueous #DRE (Dandelion Root Extract) in colon cancer cell models. Aqueous DRE induced programmed cell death (PCD) selectively in > 95% of colon cancer cells, irrespective of their p53 status, by 48 hours of treatment. The anti-cancer efficacy of this extract was confirmed in in-vivo studies. [ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]
* Extract from dandelion root not only has very good effect on leukemia, but also has extraordinary effect on #breastCancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, etc. Taraxacum mongolicum has strong broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity.
[thetruthaboutcancer.com] Science is revealing that the dandelion is actually a potent cancer fighting medicine.
Dandelions have long held a top spot in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a remedy for digestive upset, inflammation, and kidney disease, boiling nicely into a healing tea.
More recently, dandelion root has been a focus of study for its ability to improve liver and gallbladder function, as well as stimulate appetite.
Researchers at the University of Windsor in Canada proved that a potent form of dandelion root extract killed leukemia, melanoma, and pancreatic cancer cells in lab mice.
Human clinical trials are now taking place to evaluate how the dandelion root extract might help in treating blood-related cancers, including lymphoma and leukemia
ubiquitous dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), science is revealing that this curious flowering plant (which many consider a weed) is actually a potent cancer fighting medicine that grows almost everywhere.
Believe it or not, dandelions are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and other healing nutrients that typically take a back seat to the plant’s reputation as a pesky weed. Dandelions have long held a top spot in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a remedy for digestive upset, inflammation, and kidney disease, boiling nicely into a healing tea.
Why Dandelion is a Cancer Fighting Medicine
Anecdotal reports of folks plucking dandelion from their yard, drying it, and grinding it up into an edible powder suggest that the root extract of this medicinal plant helps significantly boost immunity, which combined with its appetite stimulation properties is exactly what the body needs to prevent cancer development.
More recently, dandelion root has been a focus of study for its ability to improve liver and gallbladder function, as well as stimulate appetite. And right now, human clinical trials are taking place to evaluate how dandelion root extract might help in treating blood-related cancers, including lymphoma and leukemia.
Dandelion Root Extract Tested on 30 End-Stage Cancer Patients
Researchers from Windsor Regional Cancer Centre in Canada are confident in dandelion’s anti-cancer potential. Dr. Siyaram Pandey, a professor of chemistry and biochemistry, announced in February 2015 that they had received approval and funding for human clinical trials. The team is testing a potent form of dandelion root extract on a group of 30 patients with end-stage, blood-related cancers.
The University of Maryland Medical Center also acknowledges dandelion’s immune-boosting capacity. The Center noted that the flower in particular possesses strong antioxidant properties, which is helpful in averting cancer. The root is likewise beneficial, as previously mentioned, in helping to detoxify the liver and gallbladder, as well as improve kidney function.
Earlier research by Dr. Pandey from the University of Windsor further illustrates the anti-cancer potential of dandelion. In otherwise untreatable pancreatic cancer (which is said to have close to a 100% mortality rate), dandelion root extract was found to induce programmed cell death, also known as apoptosis, in pancreatic cancer cells. It also killed leukemia and melanoma cancer cells in lab mice. Dandelion root extract similarly induced autophagy, a process by which the body maintains homeostasis through the proper elimination of damaged or malignant cells.
“We demonstrate that DRE (dandelion root extract) has the potential to induce apoptosis and autophagy in human pancreatic cells with no significant effect on noncancerous cells,” wrote the study’s authors in a 2012 report. “This will provide a basis on which further research in cancer treatment through DRE can be executed.”
[cbc.ca] Cancer-killing dandelion tea gets $157K research grant
Researchers at the University of Windsor will study dandelion root extract's cancer-fighting properties. (CBC News)
Researchers in Windsor, Ont., have received an additional $157,000 grant for a total of $217,000 to study how effective dandelion root extract is in fighting cancer.
Siyaram Pandey, a biochemist at the University of Windsor, has been studying the anti-cancer potential of dandelion root extract for almost two years.
His team’s first phase of research showed that dandelion root extract forced a very aggressive and drug-resistant type of blood cancer cell, known as chronic monocytic myeloid leukemia, to essentially commit suicide.
Researchers then discovered that repeated treatment with low dose dandelion root extract was effective in killing most of the cancerous cells.
Those initial findings landed the research team a $60,000 grant from Seeds4Hope, which provides money for local cancer research.
Pandey then applied for continued funding from the Lotte and John Hecht Memorial Foundation. That $157,000 came through earlier this week bringing the total to $217,000.
Researcher was skeptical at first
Pandey admits he was skeptical when he was first approached by local oncologist, Dr. Caroline Hamm, who was curious about cancer patients who had been drinking dandelion tea and seemed to be getting better.
"To be honest I was very pessimistic," Pandey said in a statement. "She said it could be coincidental but it couldn’t hurt to see if there is anything."
Hamm was convinced that the weed contains an active ingredient, but warned earlier this year that "it can harm as well as benefit."
She told CBC News in February that taking dandelion extract tea could interfere with regular chemotherapy, and she urged patients not to mix the natural remedy with other cancer drugs without speaking to a doctor first.
Pandey conducted a literature review and could only find one journal article suggesting dandelions may have cancer-killing properties. But he and his team of graduate students collected a bunch of the weeds anyway, ground them up with a mixture of water in a food processor and developed a simple formula they could experiment with.
They tested the formula on several lines of commercially available leukemia cells and much to their surprise, found that the formula caused those cells to kill themselves, a process called apoptosis.
"It was startling, but it was not that startling until we saw that it was non-toxic to the normal cells," he said.
John DiCarlo, 72, says dandelion tea saved his life, after other medical treatments for his leukemia failed. (CBC News)
John DiCarlo, 72, was admitted to hospital three years ago with leukemia. Even after aggressive treatment, he was sent home to put his affairs in order with his wife and four children.
The cancer clinic suggested he try the tea. Four months later, he returned to the clinic in remission. He has been cancer free for three years.
He said his doctor credits the dandelions.
"He said, 'You are doing pretty good, you aren't a sick man anymore'," DiCarlo told CBC News in February.
[sciencedirect.com] Dandelion root extract suppressed gastric cancer cells proliferation and migration through targeting lncRNA-CCAT1
In this study, we show that dandelion root extract (DRE) specifically and effectively suppresses proliferation and migration in human gastric cells without inducing toxicity in noncancerous cells. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are known to promote tumorigenesis in many cancer types. Here, we showed that the lncRNA colon cancer-associated transcript-1 (CCAT1) was down-regulated in dandelion-treated GC cells. Furthermore, downregulation of CCAT1 inhibited proliferation and migration of gastric cells. We also found that DRE exerted its function in GC cells partially through targeting CCAT1.
[ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]Recent work from our lab, with in-vitro systems, shows the anti-cancer potential of an aqueous dandelion root extract (DRE) in several cancer cell models, with no toxicity to non-cancer cells. In this study, we examined the cancer cell-killing effectiveness of an aqueous DRE in colon cancer cell models. Aqueous DRE induced programmed cell death (PCD) selectively in > 95% of colon cancer cells, irrespective of their p53 status, by 48 hours of treatment. The anti-cancer efficacy of this extract was confirmed in in-vivo studies, as the oral administration of DRE retarded the growth of human colon xenograft models by more than 90%. We found the activation of multiple death pathways in cancer cells by DRE treatment, as revealed by gene expression analyses showing the expression of genes implicated in programmed cell death. Phytochemical analyses of the extract showed complex multi-component composition of the DRE, including some known bioactive phytochemicals such as α-amyrin, β-amyrin, lupeol and taraxasterol. This suggested that this natural extract could engage and effectively target multiple vulnerabilities of cancer cells. Therefore, DRE could be a non-toxic and effective anti-cancer alternative, instrumental for reducing the occurrence of cancer cells drug-resistance.
Based on reasearches from China: According to modern medical research, the extract from dandelion's root has a very good anti-cancer effect within 48 hours. When cancer cells are killed, healthy cells grow again. So anti-cancer continues to improve. The extract from dandelion root not only has very good effect on leukemia, but also has extraordinary effect on breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, etc. Taraxacum mongolicum has strong broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. It not only has strong bactericidal effect on hemolytic streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus, but also has very good bactericidal effect on pneumococcus, meningococcus, diphtheria bacillus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, dysentery bacillus, typhoid bacillus and so on. Root extract can inhibit tuberculosis, water decoction can delay the cytopathic effect of ECHO 11 virus. Root extract can kill Leptospira, and also inhibit some fungi to have very good bactericidal effect on Helicobacter pylori.
sources: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/cancer-fighting-medicine-in-your-yard/
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